Think Bigger: Improve Your Life with One Question
What happens when you start asking ‘why’?
Did you know that if the Earth were to implode and collapse into a black hole, it would compress to about the size of a plum? Think about that — our entire planet, with all its complexity and problems, could fit in the palm of your hand.
Or that each year, 182 million tons of dust from the Sahara Desert is transported across the Atlantic Ocean by the wind?
Sure, you’ve heard there’s no sound in space, but did you know that the smell of space has been described as simultaneously sweet and metallic?
Even if these facts are familiar, if you’re like me, they still spark that sense of wonder, no matter how many times I think about them. They make me pause and feel childlike awe at how astonishing the world and universe are.
Ask Questions — Especially “Why”
I was a child who asked ‘why’ a lot and felt the inevitable sting of being the kid who asked questions too much. But when I picked up the habit again, first on my own and then with my sons, I realized asking questions could be a superpower.
Especially the question “why.”
When we ask “why,” we foster curiosity and train our brains to think beyond the obvious. Asking why…